Oil Painting
Maggie Leiby
Supply List: 2013
You can also call Maggie Leiby directly her contact information is below.
Palette Colors: Recommended Brands: Gamblin, Windsor- Newton, Holbein, or
Rembrandt (Always, buy Artist Grade, not Student Grade paints) Winton
is a student grade – very poor mixing quality
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Yellow Light
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Red Light (Rembrandt the best)
Cadmium Red Medium
Permanent Green (optional)
French Ultramarine Blue
Indian Yellow
Phthalo Blue
Rose (optional)
Viridian or Phthalo Green
Cobalt Violet
Titanium White (Permalba) is a good choice, as it is buttery
Black or Chromatic Black (Gamblin) my favorite makes beautiful blues
*Burnt Sienna, handy to have, but we can mix
Raw Sienna
Raw Umber
* =
Optional Colors
Bristle Filbert brushes such as, Silver Grand Prix, Princeton, or Isabey. Sizes: 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 (or you may bring what you have)
1-Soft Mongoose hair brush about ½”- 1”
wide. Bob Ross brand available at Michaels
or AC Moore
Canvas, Canvas Board or Panel
11 x 14 or bigger, or whatever you have or
feel comfortable working on. I think it
is easier to paint larger than smaller.
8 x10 or 9 x 12 is good for plein air painting (on location)
Canvas Pad (tablet) 9
x 12, handy size for practice or demonstration. (Optional)
Palette: Wooden, or I use Plexiglas. You may purchase a Plexiglas palette from
me. Cost: $10.00
Use only Odorless Thinner, i.e.,
Turpanoid (blue can), or Gamsol (Gamblin)
Paper Towels – preferred
brand – Viva
Liquin medium
Windsor- Newton or Galkyd Lite (Gamblin)
Palette Cups – 2 medium,
one small (optional)
Please Note: You are not required to
have all these items to start.
Gradually, you can build up your supplies
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